National Natural Science Foundation Key Research Project “Chinese Residents Income Distribution Database Construction” International Seminar
Time :2016-05-15

From May the 7thto the 8th of 2016, the international seminar of Prof. Li Shi’s National Natural Science Foundation Key Research Project “Chinese Residents Income Distribution Database Construction” was held in Beijing Normal University. Attendants included BNU Business School Dean Lai Desheng, Prof. John Knight from Oxford University, Prof. Terry Sicular from the University of Western Ontario, Prof. Bjorn Gustafsson from Gteborg University, Prof. Hiroshi Sato from Hitotsubashi University, Prof. Xia Qingjie from Peking University, Prof. Yue Ximing from Renmin University of China…as well as other domestic and international prestigious scholars.


Dean Lai highly praisedthe research project members for their hard work during the previous year and wished that this international seminar will achieve great effects.

In the seminar, attending scholars listened to thereports of the 25 latest CHIP2013-data-formed academic papers, contents included various aspects such as: the long-term evolution of China’s overall income inequality, the income inequality of China’s urban and rural divisions, China’s consumption inequality, income inequality and the redistribution policy, population flows, labor market participation rate, wage differential and education…etc. Throughdetailed and thorough discussion, the experts and scholars provided revision suggestion for each paper. All authors expressed that they will further improve their contents according to the suggestions, aimingto accomplish high quality academic achievements.

(Article Submission: Gao Xia)