Institute of Business Administration, Karachi in Pakistan (IBA) Visited BNUBS
Time :2018-10-08


On the afternoon of August 9, Nasir Afghan, Director of the MBA Program and CPEC Center of Institute of Business Administration, Karachi in Pakistan (IBA), and Ahmad Junaid, Director of the Department of Economics and Finance of IBA visited BNUBS. Dean Lai Desheng met with the guests in the conference room 1610, accompanied by Cai Hongbo, Assistant to the Dean.


First of all, the two sides reviewed the pleasant visit of BNUBS to IBA at the latter’s invitation in February this year. At the same time, Dean Lai Desheng welcomed Director Nasir and his delegation and introduced BNU’s initiatives for “Double First-rate” and “Belt and Road”, as well as the basic information of the full-English doctoral program of BNUBS. Director Nasir proposed to invite BNUBS to participate in the specific demonstration of agricultural and industrial agglomeration policies of Pakistan’s first special economic zone and hoped to conduct business case studies and policy analysis with the help of BNU’s research advantages in these areas. In addition, the two sides also proposed joint programs such as workshops, and teacher and student exchanges and visits to continue to promote the CPEC research centers in two sides.


Introduction of IBA: Founded in 1955, Institute of Business Administration, Karachi (IBA) is one of the top business schools in Pakistan and one of the ones with the highest international development level. Currently, there are more than 6,000 students. IBA has a powerful network of alumni, including President of Pakistan, the former Prime Minister, and a number of politicians and entrepreneurs graduated here, with a strong network of alumni.