The Second Session BNU-UG Human Resources Management Bilateral Workshop
Time :The Second Session BNU-UG Human Resources Management Bilateral Workshop
July 7-8, 2018
Zhuhai, Guangdong Province, China

Organizers: Business School Beijing Normal University (BNUBS)
Human Resources and Asian Business Institute of Georg-Augustus-
University of Goettingen (UG) in Germany
Undertaker: International Business Faculty of BNU, Zhuhai

    Based on the close cooperation, BNUBS and Human Resources and Asian Institute of Business Studies of Georgia Augustus-Göttingen (UG) in Germany decided to continue to hold BNU-UG bilateral Workshop on human resource management. The second session will be held from July 7 to 8, 2018 in Zhuhai, Guangdong Province China.

    Themes include (but not limited to the following topics)
   • Evolving institutional conditions affecting HRM in China/East Asia
   • Recruitment, retention, and development of talent in China/East Asia
   • Leadership challenges and requirements in China/East Asia
   • Pay systems and developments in performance management in China/East Asia
   • Diversity management and work-life balance in China/East Asia
   • Labor relations and employee representation in China/East Asia
   • Expatriation management of companies from and in China/East Asia
   • Divergence and crossvergence of HRM practices in China/East Asia

    Faculties and PhD students are invited to submit papers to participate in this workshop. Please send your speech title or paper abstract no later than June 8, 2018 to: The title of the email should be “BNU-UG + Name” and contact person: Zhao Yang, 86-10-58805867.