Info Session: DDIM Exchange Program with Fordham University
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1. Overall Description

Following the trend of the cooperation between international economic organizations, our School and Fordham University business School implement the 1+1+1 master's degree program of Finance and Accounting. According to the requirements of the current training program for Finance and Accounting majors of BNUBS, students, once been admitted by Fordham University in the United States can go to Fordham University to continue their study and take master courses in Finance and Accounting in the second academic year.

And those who successfully complete the program will receive the master's degree certificate from Beijing Normal University and the Master of Accounting (MSA) or Master of Global Finance (MSGF) degree degree certificate from Fordham University.



2. School Introduction

Fordham University (Fordham University) is a world-class private research University located in New York City, the United States. It is a first-class national University in the United States and enjoys a high reputation worldwide. Fordham university is a famous Patriot League school, which is made up of 12 elite schools, including THE Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Georgetown University and West Point. These institutions are small and highly meritocratic. Its business majors such as Finance, Informatics and Marketing occupy the TOP20 all year round. At the same time, it ranks 34th in the 2020 Best Undergraduate Teaching ranking by U.S. News, tied with Harvard University, University of California, Berkeley and other universities.


3. Time:

 9:00 on October 20, 2021 (Beijing time)


4. Live Broadcast: Zoom


5. Keynote Speaker


  Francis Petit, Associate Dean for Global Initiatives and Partnerships,Fordham University

  Liza Wynns, Assistant Director for New Partnerships and External Programs,Fordham University



6. Main contents of the lecture:


Introduction of Fordham University and Gabelli School of Business

Overview of Accounting and International Finance Program Gabelli Business School and course introduction

Introduction to the 1+1+1DDIM Program for academic graduate

Answers to students' most concerned questions about pursuing graduate studies in the United States


7. Registration:


Please log in to the following website or scan the QR code to register. After successful registration, you will receive the Zoom invitation link of the school:


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8. Consult


 Teacher Shang:, 58802691