BNUBS Sino-Japanese Seed Fund lecture series
Time :




Lecture 1: Why is there such a huge pay gap between THE CEOS of American and Japanese companies? -- From the perspective of behavioral contract theory 




Speaker: Prof. Ren Yun


(Professor, Graduate School of Business Administration, Faculty of Arts and Sciences, J.F.Oberlin University, Japan)


Professor Jing Mu

(Professor, Head of Business Management Research Department, Graduate School of J.F.Oberlin University, Japan)  


Lecture 2: Changes in social structure and property management for the elderly: The property management system for the elderly in Japan 

Speaker: Professor Takashi Saito

(Professor, Business Management Research Department, Graduate School, Sakuramilin University, Japan; Director, Institute of Business Management Science, University Comprehensive Research Institute) 


Moderator: Cai Hongbo, professor, BNUBS


Date: October 22, 2019, 6pm 


Location: Teach 7 406 


Note: Chinese translation is available on site