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京师经管名家讲坛第42期——Haroon Bhorat:Growth, Poverty and Inequality Interactions in Africa: An Overview of Key Issues
发布时间:2015-06-12       浏览量:

时 间】2015年6月17日(周三)15:00-17:00
【地 点】京师大厦9406
【主讲人】Haroon Bhorat教授

         University of Cape Town • Development Policy Research Unit

    Haroon Bhorat,Professor, School of Economics, University of Cape TownDirector, Development Policy Research Unit, University of Cape Town. Current recipient of a highly prestigious national Research Chair under the theme of “Economic Growth, Poverty and Inequality: Exploring the Interactions for South Africa”. Director on the Board of the Western Cape Tourism, Trade and Investment Promotion Agency (WESGRO),Nonresident Senior Fellow, affiliated to the Global Economy and Development programme, and the Africa Growth Initiative (AGI), Brookings Institution.

    Prof. Bhorat attempts to provide a broad overview of the nature and pattern of inequality in Africa. He finds some observations such as: 1. on average, Africa has higher than average and median inequality when compared to the rest of the developing region; 2. a notable feature of inequality on the continent is the presence of seven economies exhibiting extremely high levels of inequality – the ‘African outliers’; 3. over time, based on the available data, average levels of inequality have declined in Africa, driven mostly by the economies not classified as highly unequal. His study suggests that growth alone is necessary but not sufficient to lowering inequality in Africa. Growth originating from capital-intensive sectors has a low likelihood of creating the kinds of formal jobs that are needed to narrow the income distribution. Along with enhancing the industrial base of African economies is the need to build effective higher education institutions that are able to respond to the demands of a growing economy, and thus place African economies on to a more inclusive and equalizing growth path.