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5月21日京师经管名家讲坛(第104期) | Socially Connected Supply Chains
发布时间:2021-05-19       浏览量:


  zoom会议ID:758 093 1505


  主讲人:姜翰(Ph.D Arizona State University)




  现任教于美国杜兰大学A. B. Freeman商学院,研究领域为社会网络与社会资本,战略决策与公司治理,创业与创新战略,研究成果发表在Strategic Management Journal、Journal of Management、Entrepreneurship: Theory and Practice等学术期刊。



  We examine how social connections built up via shared past working experience or non-business activities would help the formation of business relationships in the product market. With a unique and comprehensive dataset incorporating social networks and supply chain interactions of 4,081 listed U.S. firms, we find that social connections, measured by the manager-to-manager personal connections, predict supply chain network formation between firms. The predictive relationship is stronger for connections between executives and when the connection is a long-standing one, and also applies to second-degree indirect connections to a lesser extent. An identication strategy with exogenous death shocks to companies' social networks is adopted to establish causality. The mechanisms of trustworthiness and information channels are provided to interpret our results. At last, we provide strong evidence that firms with socially connected supply chains tend to expand their size in assets and risky investments, and more importantly, benefit the firm in the long run, albeit with a relatively lower short-run performance due to the expansions.