At 16:00—17:30pm on December 13, 2013, BNU MBA Career Development Lecture themed “Interpretation of Employment Trend & Policy for 2014 Graduates” held successfully in Room 9406 at Jingshi Hotel.

Pic 1: Teacher Bai making a speech for students
The activity was lectured by Bai Yong, the director of BNU Employment and Entrepreneurship Instruction Center, and hosted byGeYuliang, the vice secretary of BNU Business School.
Pic 2: GeYuliang, the vice secretary of BNU Business School, hosting the Lecture
First of all, Teacher Bai introduced the employment situation of 2013 MBA students to the attendees. He classified employers according to different forms of employment agreement and offered the attendees some insights about the employers of BNU MBA graduates, delivering considerable employment guidance for new graduates.
Then Teacher Bai analyzed the employment situation of 2014 graduates. In 2014, the employment situation is severe and the employment figure has reached 7 million. Recent years, the state implemented a series of employment and dispatching policies for graduates to encourage college students to work in rural areas, mid-west areas and middle and small-sized enterprises and support them to start their own business. Teacher Bai believed that students with interest in running their own business should consider more about going to work in middle and small-sized enterprises for they can improve their management ability comprehensively there.

Pic 3: BNU MBA Career Development Series: Interpretation of Employment Situation &Policy
Then, Teacher Bai explained some major issues about graduates’ employment policy with simple words, offering the attendees with abundant resources and information. These issues are mainly about the graduates’ employment and dispatching policies, graduates’ dispatching procedures, and settling procedure in Beijing. On this basis, Teacher Bai emphatically introduced the employments materials including residence registration indicator, employment recommendation table, recommendation letter, transcript, employment agreement, registration form, registration certificate for household relocation and employment choice form.
Though the whole Lecture, Teacher Bai used specific cases to explain every policy in detail, making students appreciate the importance of employment trend and policies with great modesty and sincerity.

Pic 4: MBA students consulting employment policies with Teacher Bai after the Lecture
In the interactive activity, the teachers and students jointly discussed “seniority calculation standard and method of MBA students”, “issues about tripartite agreement, employment recommendation letter, and employment materials”, “personal files and Beijing residence permit”. In the end, the Lecture ended in warm applause of students.
(Writer: Zhang Xiaona, a teacher from MBA Education Center)