【题 目】Environmental Regulation and Firms’ Extensive Margin Decisions
【时 间】2022年11月9日(星期三),15:30-17:00
【地 点】腾讯会议ID:508-433-951
【主讲人】王敏 副教授(北京大学国家发展研究院)
【主持人】刘盼 副教授(best365官方网站登录入口)
摘要:The paper provides a comprehensive investigation of the effects of environmental regulations on Chinese firms’ extensive margins. Using registration information of all firms in 35 industries from 1991 to 2010, we show that environmental regulations deter firm entry, increase firm exit and reduce the net entry of firms. Specifically, in response to such regulations, large, long-lived and private entrants are less likely to enter the market, and small and long-lived incumbents are more likely to exit. This concentrates the market and expands the state sector in pollution-intensive industries. Moreover, the entrants are more heavily regulated than the incumbents. We also find evidence that, in response to environmental regulations, firms in regulated locations are more likely to create new firms in pollution-intensive industries in unregulated areas. However, these spatial spillover effects are negligible, posing little threat to the estimation of environmental regulatory impacts on firm entry in our setting and therefore alleviating the concern of pollution relocation.
王敏,北京大学国家发展研究院长聘副教授,《经济学(季刊)》副主编,北京大学环境与能源经济学研究中心副主任。2011年获美国爱荷华州立大学经济学博士学位,主要研究领域包括环境与资源经济学、能源经济学、气候变化和宏观发展。在Economic Theory,Journal of Environmental Economics and Management,Journal of Economic Dynamics and Control,《经济研究》,《管理世界》,《经济学(季刊)》,《世界经济》等学术期刊上发表论文近20篇。主持国家自然科学基金项目、世界银行资助项目和国家高端智库资助项目多项。