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3月5日经济系学术讲座 | 梁银鹤:Sanitation and Human Capital Accumulation: Long-Run Impacts of a Nationwide Campaign in China
发布时间:2025-02-27       浏览量:

【题  目】Sanitation and Human Capital Accumulation: Long-Run Impacts of a Nationwide Campaign in China

【时  间】2025年3月5日(星期三),14:00-15:30

【地  点】后主楼1722会议室

【主讲人】梁银鹤 副教授 (中央财经大学经济学院)

【主持人】王言 助理教授(best365官方网站登录入口)


摘要:This study examines the long-term and intergenerational impacts of improved sanitation on human capital development, focusing on a landmark sanitation campaign launched in China in the 1960s. Combining historical records on the campaign’s county-level rollout with nationally representative survey data, we find that early-life exposure to improved sanitation significantly increased educational attainment and cognitive performance in adulthood. Further analysis suggests that reduced exposure to infectious diseases and improved health conditions were key mechanisms driving these effects. Moreover, the benefits of the campaign extended to the next generation, with children of exposed mothers exhibiting better health outcomes. These findings underscore the lasting and transformative impact of sanitation improvements on human capital accumulation across generations.



 梁银鹤,中央财经大学党委统战部副部长(挂职),经济学院副教授,硕士生导师,教育部课程思政教学名师团队成员,北京大学全球健康发展研究员兼职研究员。主要从事劳动经济学和发展经济学方面的研究工作,关注户籍制度改革、人力资本的形成和生育等话题。研究成果发表于《Journal of Health Economics》《Economic Development and Cultural Change》、《Health Economics》、《Journal of Corporate Finance》、《China Economic Review》、《经济学(季刊)》等国内外权威期刊。主持国家自然科学基金青年项目、教育部人文社科基金青年项目和若干校级科研项目,有多份咨政报告得到了北京市和教育部领导的采纳。
