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12月26日经济系学术讲座 | Gender Diversity Improves Academic Performance
发布时间:2024-12-18       浏览量:

【题  目】Gender Diversity Improves Academic Performance

【时  间】2024年12月26日(星期四),10:00-11:30

【地  点】后主楼1722会议室

【主讲人】单晓月 助理教授(新加坡国立大学经济系)

【主持人】李亚男 副教授(best365官方网站登录入口)


摘要:Does gender diversity benefit students? I answer this question with a field experiment in which 2,580 university students are randomly assigned to 645 study groups. The results show that group gender diversity significantly improves course performance: Being assigned to a gender-balanced group instead of a homogeneous one raises final grades by 0.14 standard deviations. Exploring the mechanisms, I find that students in more-diverse groups report increased social interactions and improved well-being. Gender diversity also reinforces gendered roles in group learning: While women ask more questions, men explain more. My findings highlight the value of increasing gender diversity in higher education.

报告人简介:单晓月,新加坡国立大学(NUS)经济系助理教授。2021年在苏黎世大学获得经济学博士学位。她主要结合实验和准实验方法,来研究与性别差异、歧视、社会互动和技能发展相关的话题。目前在Review of Economic Statistics, Journal of Human Resources等期刊发表多篇论文。
